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Bell Moore Group Inc.: Location, Location, Location

Choosing the best location for your business is a time-consuming process that is both exciting and exhausting, most especially if you are planning to undertake the process of finding on your own and without the help of commercial real estate professionals known as tenant brokers.


You might have heard the classic business advice “location, location, location”, but it is actually true if you are planning to start your own business. The location of your business is one of the most important things you need to pay attention to as it can significantly affect the cost and revenues. The physical location of your business can help determine whether your business will succeed or fail. Which is why tenant representation is important to help you find the most suitable location that can help turn your space into a strategic asset and give real economic opportunities.


Having a tenant broker who acts on your behalf can save you a considerable amount of time and money on site selection and negotiations. Most especially if you aren’t a real estate expert, commercial property owners might take advantage of you in negotiating optimal lease terms. When it comes to negotiation, you need someone to fight your corner, a professional with the right expertise, resources and knowledge base to get the best deal possible for you.


Before finding the right location that will help boost your business, you need to set a clear picture of your business goals and your occupancy needs first. From that point, Bellmoore Group Inc review and analyze your business needs and requirements, advise an occupancy plan and carefully evaluates alternative sites, choosing the most advantageous location perfect for your business goals and can maximize your potential income generation.


Bell Moore Group Inc. provides third party management, leasing, brokerage and consulting services and is well-known by their in-depth knowledge of global markets combined with strategic problem-solving skills. Clients trust and look for our quality service since 1991, we can help maximize workplace flexibility and productivity by securing a space on terms that best serve your needs over the life of your lease. We understand how property owners operate and use that insight to negotiate and get the right results for your business.